Re: Header, Footer, and Sidebars

David Norris felt an urge to reveal at 7:15 AM -0500 on 11/26/97:

> The problem, currently, is that it requires careful use of CSS.  It should
> be a new box property, HTML block tag, or something.  This way it degrades
> gracefully with 100% reliability.  A less knowledgeable author could destroy
> a document's value by ignorantly misusing your example.  As is such with
> frames.  I don't think that absolute positioning is an option in this case,
> either.  Absolute positioning requires some level of skill.  We need
> something that is very simple to implement.

So do frames. I think since docking seems to me to be a *layout* issue,
then creating new HTML elements to avoid using <FRAME> is kind of like
trying to put out a fire by throwing wood on it. Instead, CSS should be
used. And if people can figure out frames, then they can figure out
positioning. What is *especially* important (and I don't know if the latest
verision of IE does this) is that the CSS browsers correctly render
positioning using percentages. Currently, the implementation of this is
highly irregular and leads to many headaches.

[           Jordan Reiter                             ]
[                ]
[  "It's well known that dead people are all sick     ]
[   because they're too depressing."                  ]
[   -- from ]

Received on Wednesday, 26 November 1997 12:13:46 UTC