User Default Aural Cues

Something I would like to see in the aurural cues is user default values. 
 Similar to the way authors can use user specified colors such as 
'buttonface' or 'highlight' (as described in 18.2 User preferences for 
colors), I think there should exist access to user aural cues such as 
'beep', 'alert', and 'question'.
Two that I would really like to see is default values for 'Begin Hyperlink' 
and 'End Hyperlink' (corresponding to the default values of cue-before and 
cue-after on a hyperlink).  I think this are important defaults for 
denoting selectable material in a way familar to the user.

Andrew n marshall
  student - artist - programmer
      "Everyone a mentor,  Everyone a pupil"

Received on Friday, 21 November 1997 05:02:13 UTC