Run-in Style [Was Re: 'default.css' in CSS2 spec--BOOM!]

I am very much glad to see the run-in style added to the spec. I like
run-in headings and they are really a problem the things are now. I code

<p><strong>Heading</strong> abstract...

instead of



as it should be using logical markup. The style should determine whether
it's run-in not the content.

>You found it before we had time to announce it. Well, there it is [1].

>Please do, it's enclosed. As you will see, we put most of our time
>into writing the specification and didn't allocate sufficient
>resources for the style sheet. We accept donations, though.

Let me tinker a bit and get back to you. :)


   _/ Steve Knoblock            
   _/ City Gallery                  
   _/ Member NSA     

Received on Friday, 7 November 1997 04:47:59 UTC