ANNC: Cascading Style Sheets Editor

Terje Norderhaug writes:

 > The Interaction Cascading Style Sheets Editor was officially released
 > today. It is a dialog based CSS editor for the Macintosh. Since CSS
 > software yet aren't released that often, I haven taken the liberty of this
 > announcement and enclosed the essentials from the press release.

Thanks. As long as the software authors take part in discussions
before and/or after the launch, I think these postings are most

Also, if you have a product that supports style sheets please drop me
an email as I try to keep a list [1][2]. (I know I have lost one such
email in the last few weeks, so if you mailed me in the past and have
seen no response, please repeat)




H   å   k   o   n      W   i   u   m       L   i   e   W o r l d   Wide  W e b  Consortium
inria §°þ#¡ª FRANCE

Received on Tuesday, 6 May 1997 07:48:05 UTC