Re: Issue 1: Font-weight and headings

On Jul 27,  4:01pm, E. Stephen Mack wrote:

> Todd Fahrner <> wrote:
> > [...] So what do y'all say we harness some of the smarts and
> > energy here to produce an exhaustively-specified "default"
> > stylesheet for all HTML 4 elements? [...]

Go Todd Go!

> Seriously, IE 4.0 pp2 must have its default style sheet
> embedded *somewhere* within it.  It's clear that IE's initial
> values are outweighing inheritance, so these initial values
> must be codified in an internal style sheet format somehow.
> If this can be made available, then it will save us all the effort.

If it meets your needs.

> I agree with Todd that:
> > Prudent CSS authors, hoping to avoid damaging interactions with user
> > style sheets, can link to this sheet (@import) as a base. It will be
> > easier and better to edit this sheet than to create new ones from
> > scratch, complicating them incrementally as HTML content grows.


> There will be some speed and compatibility issues to consider,
> and it will be difficult to create a default style sheet that
> works for IE 3.x and 4.x and Navigator 4.x.

No. Having created it, the idea is to specify it explicitly so that
any browser will use it as a base

> The first issue that will be problematic is specifying a default
> font size

don't; or rather, use relative units

>-- what units?


>  What face?

Times, probably.

> Perhaps this is one area
> where we shouldn't have our "default" stylesheet make a declaration.

Well if you don't declare, you could end up with anything. Th epoint is to
declare it in the default stylesheet, and then override it with a higher
specificity rule if you want something different.

Using @import, as suggested above, automatically makes the importing
stylesheet have higher specificity that the imported one.

> (Perhaps we can get the "default" style sheet to be stored at W3C
> along with some other accepted "library" styles?)

Yes, great. Look, the HTL 4.0 spec is being chewed over (erm... is in public
review) and after that, the resulting spec will almost certainly go
through the W3C standardisation hoopla. It would be nice to have a full
default stylesheet to link to as an example to the spec, wouldn't it?

Chris Lilley, W3C                          [ ]
Graphics and Fonts Guy            The World Wide Web Consortium              INRIA,  Projet W3C                       2004 Rt des Lucioles / BP 93
+33 (0)4 93 65 79 87       06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Received on Monday, 28 July 1997 11:35:03 UTC