Re: <br> encoding

Joel N. Weber, II writes:
>I'd like to be able to specify <br> within CSS1.
>I think it could be done as
>br { width: remaining }
>(A few other properties would have to be added as well, I think.)
>`remaining' would simply mean that it would take up all of the space left
>in the line, but no more.
>We could alternatively define `remaining' to take a factor, such that
>`1remaining' would be adaquate for <br>, and `.5remaining' could be used
>to eat half the space remaining on the line.  However, I can't think of
>why this would be useful.

  Currently, Emacs-W3 uses "br { display: line; }" to encode <br> in the
default stylesheet.  This is a holdover from an old draft of CSS when
'display' was slated for level 2.  Not sure why it was removed.  Bert?


Received on Saturday, 11 January 1997 23:27:48 UTC