Re: CSS vs. transitional markup [was: No Subject]

Douglas Rand wrote:
> David Perrell wrote:
> > How are inline CSS STYLE declarations handled? Seems to me the only
> > difference between CSS and HTML inline declarations is that one has
> > maximum precedence and the other minimum. Both are valid only within

Let me add something here.  Maximum precedence is very easy to handle.
If the other truly had minimum precedence,  it too would be easy to
handle,  but it doesn't (as the separate message indicated).

So,  while I'm complaining,  let me point out a hole in the spec. 
border is a shorthand,  as are border-top/left/right/bottom and
border-style (in a sense) and border-width (in a sense).  So what's the
problem you ask?  Consider:

P.bordered { border: solid red; border-style: solid dotted }

In the doc:

<P STYLE="border-left: grooved blue">....</P>

Now, border-left is a shorthand as is border,  but border-style is not.
So what properties exist after expanding the shorthand and assigning
precedence?  Hint - there is no border-left-style or border-left-color
property,  so this really cannot be handled correctly.

I suggest adding the following CSS properties to allow for this:

border-left-style, border-top-style, border-right-style,

border-left-color, border-top-color, border-right-color,

Doug Rand
Silicon Graphics/SSO
Disclaimer: These are my views,  SGI's views are in 3D

Received on Monday, 4 August 1997 11:43:29 UTC