- From: James Miller <james@metabridge.com>
- Date: Fri, 22 Mar 1996 10:32:55 -0800
- To: "'www-style@w3.org'" <www-style@w3.org>
I am new to this list, and new to CSS style sheets, but I have been studying the spec intently for the last couple of weeks, and for my purposes I can find really only one thing missing that would be really useful: ---------------------- 'bg-transparancy' Value: number | percentage Initial: 0 Applies to: all elements Inherited: yes Percentage values: refer to background's opacity This property describes a degree of transparency for the element. It differes from the 'background: transparent' attribute in that it allows for a background color or image to be specificed and determins the opacity of that background in regards to elements behind it. Values range from 0-255, or 0% to 100%, with 0 meaning not transparent at all (that is, completely opaque), and 255 or 100% meaning fully transparent (equivilant to background: transparent). BODY ( background: "pattern.gif") THEAD ( background: red; bg-transparency: 75% ) In the above example, the red background of the table header would be just visable with the pattern in the background showing through. ---------------------- What do others on this list think? To me it seems complimentary to background: transparent tag, while providing a lot more functionality and design options, and seems like it adheres to the spirit of the specification. Thanks, James Miller MetaBridge, Inc james@metabridge.com
Received on Friday, 22 March 1996 13:38:50 UTC