Re: background images/Internet Explorer

Hi Chris,

I'm not positive, but the image may need to be in GIF format. MS doesn't
specify that GIF is the only image format supported, but it's the type used
in the only example I was able to find on the SiteBuilder Workshop CD. 

Here's an excerpt:
Background colors and images

You can use the background attribute to highlight sections of your page by
setting a background color or background image. To set a color, you specify
a named color (see the color attribute above) or use an RGB color value:

{background: red}
{background: #6633FF}

To place an image, you specify the URL in parentheses:

{background: URL(}


| From: Chris Josephs <>
| To:
| Subject: background images/Internet Explorer
| Date: Sunday, December 15, 1996 5:04 PM
| I'm trying to overlay a background image over a paragraph in IE3 but it
| dosn't appear to be working.  As far as I can tell the browser isn't even
| attempting to load the image.
| Here's a snip of css code....
| p.note
| {
| 	background: URL("paper.jpg");
| }
| Does anyone know of any problems in the IE implementation involving
| background images?  Does anyone have any working examples of backgrounds
| over single elements?
| --- Christopher Josephes -------------------------
|               Vector Internet

Received on Sunday, 15 December 1996 19:30:51 UTC