Re: Little problem with table...

On Fri, 23 Aug 1996, Preda Fabio wrote:

> I have a little problem with table:
> How can i write a table with 3 columns in which the
> column in the middle empty so that there is space between
> the left & right column.
> Is it possible to do this without using, for example, an empty
> transparent image to make white space?
> For example:
> <table border=0>
>   <tr>
>     <td> Something </td>
>     <td>  empty but with spaces  </td>
>     <td> Something </td>
>   </tr>
> </table>


Theoretically this is the way to do it. If your user agent doesn't leave a
blank, that's the UA's problem. If you're interested in presentation, then
do you want to use Stylesheets? (I assume you do because you're posting to
www-style). All you have to do is give the middle cell a definite width and
height, or a relative one. And it will resize correctly.

= Stephanos Piperoglou = = =
  Four lines in a .sig can't say enough about why you should visit my page!
"I want peace on earth and good will toward man"
"We're the United States Government, we don't do that sort of thing!"
                                    [ from the film "Sneakers" ]

                                                       ...oof porothika! (tm)

Received on Wednesday, 28 August 1996 07:39:36 UTC