Workshop on web design and electronic publishing

ERCIM - WWW Working Group 

International WWW Workshop on Design and Electronic Publishing 

Monday 20 - Wednesday 22 November 1995, Abingdon, near Oxford, UK

The ERCIM World Wide Web Working Group (ERCIM-W4G) 
invites you to participate in an open international workshop on the 
design of webs, the design of web pages, and electronic publishing 
on the web. Keynote speakers have been invited, demonstrations 
including VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Language) will be given, 
and there will be plenty of time for discussions. 

This will be the fourth workshop in a series which has previously 
addressed WWW protocols and standards (CWI, Amsterdam, 
Autumn '94), authoring tools (INRIA, Rocquencourt, Winter '95), 
and searching and active documents (VTT, Helsinki, Summer '95). 


Topics of interest for the workshop include (but are not limited to): 

     o Multimedia publishing on the web 
     o Good and bad page design 
     o HCI factors for web design 
     o Electronic catalogues, brochures and kiosks 
     o Experiences 

Participants are invited to submit position papers (4 pages max.) on 
these topics. Papers should accompany your registration details and 
be submitted by giving a URL on the registration form (preferred), 
or by e-mailing Postscript (if desperate). These will be made 
available under

A limited number of machines and facilities will be available for 

Location and Registration

The workshop will be hosted by the Computing and Information 
Systems Department of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. It will 
be held in the Laboratory's Cosener's House conference centre in 
Abingdon, near Oxford (UK). The number of attendees is limited 
(by available space) to around 60. 

The workshop will run from lunchtime on Monday 20 November 
and finish at lunchtime on Wednesday 22 November. An 
all-inclusive fee of 195 pounds sterling will be charged, which 
covers the cost of two night's accommodation at Cosener's House, 
all meals, tea and coffee. A limited number of rooms are available at 
Cosener's House on a first come, first served basis. A coach will be 
provided free of charge from and to Heathrow. 

Registration is via the form available at

Registration closing date - Friday 27 October 95

Workshop co-chairs - Prof Bob Hopgood, Prof Keith Jeffery, Prof David Duce 
Local committee - Dr Simon Dobson, Dr Victoria Marshall, Dr Michael Wilson 

For further information contact: 

Rachel Miles 
Computing and Information Systems Department 
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory 
Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0QX, UK 
tel: +44 1235 44 5660 
fax: +44 1235 44 5893

Received on Wednesday, 27 September 1995 03:28:19 UTC