Re: leading

> From: Hakon Lie <>
> Typographers!
> If your font size is 12pt and the distance between base lines is 14
> pt, is leading then 2pt or 14pt? The literature has diverging opinions
> on this, which -- if any -- is correct?

Though both have at times been used, by far the more common in use
recently--especially in the computerized typesetting world--is the
latter, i.e., baseline-to-baseline measure, e.g., 14pt in your example.

TeX, the Output Specification (aka FOSIs), and DSSSL are among those
that measure "leading" as baseline-to-baseline.


Paul Grosso
VP Research, ArborText, Inc.
Chief Technical Officer, SGML Open


Received on Monday, 31 July 1995 08:15:09 UTC