Re: Break <STYLE> into pieces

In-reply-to: ""'s message of 14-JUL-1995 02:27:15.37
>On Fri, 14 Jul 1995, Drazen Kacar wrote:
>> I've read the HTML 3.0 specs and Style Sheets draft and came to
>> conclusion that the data in the STYLE element could easily become
>	:
>Let's put aside for a second the question of whether <STYLE> could be abused
>by too much information there - *any* technology can be abused in this
>manner.  Instead, let's consider that a well-designed collection of objects
>will have a hierarchy, and that hierarchical style sheets can be applied
>using that hierarchy.  In other words, Wired magazine will have a style sheet
>that applies to its server as a whole, (e.g. address.align = left), to its
>magazine archive (P.margin = 5 ems) and a particular style that might apply
>to a single page (*.background = purple).  If the stylesheets are arranged
>intelligently they can be cached quite easily, so the page-specific 
>stylesheet can ideally be quite small. 

It seems that the same thoughts were in folks minds when they provided
PostScript output for their product(s).  In one case, I saw a file with nearly
a megabyte of code that ended up printing the classic:
	Hello world.

It wasn't even bolded or italicized, not to mention blinking...

Del Merritt                                        
IntraNet, Inc., One Gateway Center #700, Newton, MA  02158
Voice: 617-527-7020; FAX: 617-527-6779
All my opinions.                                      Just say no to Clipper.

Received on Friday, 14 July 1995 10:10:18 UTC