RE: draft-ietf-html-style-00.txt & class as a general selector

At 09:26 AM 12/8/95 -0800, wrote:
>Chris Lilley wrote (in response to Scott E. Preece):
>>So, in the interests of wrapping up - and knowing that you are unable to 
>>attend WWW4, which is a pity as this issue will surely be discussed - 
>>I would like to ask your opinion. If you could be there, and it came 
>>to a vote, would you raise a blocking objection if the proposed STYLE 
>>attribute was dropped, or constrained to point to a named style only?
>I will be at WWW4, and I also object to removing the proposed STYLE 
>attribute or constraining it to point to a named style only.


Paul Rohr
Software Engineer
Spyglass, Inc. 
Make The Net Work(TM)

Received on Friday, 8 December 1995 13:24:30 UTC