www-smil@w3.org from April to June 2002 by subject

[Questions] multiple begin/end lists in par element

[www-smil] <none>

Article on SMIL on xml.com

Cross-platform web application in SMIL 2.0 - is it feasible?

E31: Correction in the SMIL 2.0 Animation Module now public.

FYI: Workshop on XML in Digital Media (XMLinDM'02)

new version of InterObject SMIL player supports 3GPP R4 profile

please review: application/smil MIME type registration

Region ID question

SMIL 2.0 on WMT

smil on wap

SMIL2.0 Functionality

Using SMIL for scrolling

超值雙組合=駭客技術加新名單 NJOGnoVfzloYvxFh


Last message date: Thursday, 27 June 2002 18:36:36 UTC