RE: [Questions] multiple begin/end lists in par element

Hello -

Sorry for the delay in answering, but I have been a bit busy.

My answers are inline.  Note that you can also post these types of questions
to the public SMIL list at I have copied them on my
response, in case anyone takes issue with my comments.
  -----Original Message-----
  From: D.K Bay []
  Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 4:06 AM
  Subject: [Questions] multiple begin/end lists in par element

  While reading SMIL 2.0 document, i was confused how to handle some cases.
  Please clarify the following questions.

  Q1. With below example, two intervals can be generated([0s, 3s] and [8s,
  I think Active Duration of audio is 11s, so par element will finish at
  But, X-smiles and Real One player don't play like my thought.
  Please, tell me exact Active Duration of audio and par.

        <audio id="audio1" src="geminidecho.wav" begin="0s; 8s" end="3s;
11s" />

  [Patrick] In this example, the implicit simple duration of the par is
determined by the default value for endsync, "last". As noted in the
section:, this
is defined to be the last active end time of any child with a resolved begin
time. In the example, all times are clearly resolved, and so the par should
have simple (and thus active) duration equal to 11 seconds, as you note.

  [Patrick] Perhaps one of the folks from Real can comment on the player
behavior. If Kari is watching, he may be able to comment on the X-Smiles

  Q2. In the below example2, the interval must be changed because of dur
attribute: [0,2], [8,10]
  Is this right?

        <audio id="audio1" src="geminidecho.wav" dur = "2s" begin="0s; 8s"
end="3s; 11s" />

  [Patrick] Yes, as formally defined in

  Q3. If the above par's endSync = "first", then when the par element
        There are two valid intervals. Should audio element play for two
intervals or only the first interval in this case?

  [Patrick] With endsync="first", it will end with the earliest active end.
This is 3s for Q1, and 2s for Q2.

        How about if endSync = "last"? Can audio element play two intervals?

  [Patrick] This is the same as the default behavior, and so my answers to
Q1 and Q2 apply here as well.

  Q4. if the audio element has min, max attribute, these two attributes
affects the two valid current interval([0,3],[8,11]) or entire

  [Patrick] min and max affect each active interval ([0,3],[8,11])

  [Patrick] Hope this helps - Patrick

Received on Thursday, 13 June 2002 05:04:28 UTC