CfP EXTENDED: OneSpace2008: First International Workshop on Blending Physical and Digital Spaces on the Internet

Apologies for cross-posting:

An opportunity to discuss Internet related spatial topics, in Vienna,
deadline August 28th :

[ our apologies if you receive this message multiple times ]

First International Workshop on Blending Physical and Digital Spaces on the
Internet (OneSpace2008)

In conjunction with the Future Internet Symposium 2008 (FIS2008)

September 28th, 2008, Vienna (Austria)

++ Deadline for submission: Aug 28, 2008 Full papers and position papers 
++ invited ++


The First International Workshop on Blending Physical and Digital Spaces on
the Internet (OneSpace2008) in conjunction with the Future Internet
Symposium 2008 (FIS2008) aims to present a high-quality forum of discussion
about the identification and study of the complex relationship of the
Internet with space, place, geography and distance, whether physical or
virtual. Technologies as well as novel ideas, experiments, and insights
originating from multi-disciplinary viewpoints, including humanities, social
sciences and mathematics are welcome.

Important dates
* Submission deadline:            Aug 28, 2008
* Notification of acceptance:     Sep 05, 2008
* Camera-ready paper submission:  Sep 12, 2008
* Workshop in Vienna:             Sep 28, 2008

The Internet constantly challenges our notions of place and space, and we
believe that a cross-domain exploration of this process is needed to
understand its evolution.

Indeed one of the most important effects of the Internet has been to relax
spatial and temporal constraints, contributing to the modern "space-time
collapse", by allowing quasi instantaneous access to information, services,
and physical resources. However, the multiplication of services and the
democratisation of GPS based technologies introduce both the possibility and
the need of a more location-oriented access to the virtual spaces that
constitute the Internet.

Moreover, the Internet familiarised us with new topologies which have become
the model of many new forms of organization: the self- organizing rhizomic
network of the World wide Web challenging hierarchies, P2P networks of
devices that create dynamic semi-private subspaces and communities, new
forms of proximity based on micro- blogging and social networks, as well
sensor and controller nets establishing ubiquitous access, sensing and

Furthermore, virtual worlds such as World of Warcraft or Second Life are
attracting an increasing number of users, while second generation Web
mapping technologies and virtual globes contribute to blur the boundaries
between spatial representation and perception by providing mashup
opportunities, photorealism, visual navigation, and three- dimensional

Topics of interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Study and Representation of physical/virtual spaces and topologies
* 3D and 4D Internet
* Geo-located services and sensors
* Internet based Sense of Place and Presence
* Second generation Web mapping applications
* Mobility and ubiquity
* Visibility and privacy in the Internet of people and things

The following types of contributions are welcomed:

* Short technical and position papers, up to 4 pages.
* Full technical papers, up to 10 pages.

Organizing Committee

* Vlad Tanasescu - The Open University, UK
* Arno Scharl - MODUL University Vienna, Austria
* Erik Wilde - UC Berkeley, California, USA

Program Committee

* Andrew U. Frank - Technical University Vienna, Austria
* Catherine Dolbear - Ordnance Survey Research Labs, UK
* Marc Wick -, Switzerland
* Ren Reynolds -, UK
* Dumitru Roman - STI Innsbruck, Austria
* Stefan Dietze - The Open University, UK
* Susanne Boll - University of Oldenburg, Germany
* Hans W. Guesgen - Massey University, New Zealand
* Marie-Kristina Thomson - University College London, UK
* Vedran Sabol - Know-Center, Austria
* Pierre Grenon - The Open University, UK
* Vinny Reynolds - DERI Galway, Ireland

Further information
Updated information about the workshop can be found on the workshop

For further information, please send an email to

Received on Friday, 8 August 2008 11:46:50 UTC