- From: Denny Vrandečić <dvr@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
- Date: Thu, 07 Aug 2008 15:40:49 +0200
- To: Denny Vrandecic <denny@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Sorry for cross-posting. Deadline extended until August 18. Feel free to forward to interested parties. ====== Call for Papers ===== INSEMTIVE 2008 1st Workshop on Incentives for the Semantic Web <http://km.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/ws/insemtive2008/> Located at the 7th International Semantic Web Conference ISWC2008 October 27th, 2008 (Workshop day) Karlsruhe, Germany Deadline for submissions EXTENDED: August 18, 2008 (11:59 PM) Supported by the EU project Active www.active-project.eu --- Objectives --- "The original Scientific American article on the Semantic Web appeared in 2001. It described the evolution of a Web that consisted largely of documents for humans to read to one that included data and inforation for computers to manipulate. The Semantic Web is a Web of actionable information derived from data through a semantic theory for interpreting the symbols. The semantic theory provides an account of meaning in which the logical connection of terms establishes interoperability between systems. This simple idea, however, remains largely unrealized." (Nigel Shadbolt, Wendy Hall, Tim Berners-Lee (2006). The Semantic Web Revisited, IEEE Intelligent Systems.) One of the reasons for this state of affairs, almost seven years after the publication of the seminal article on the Semantic Web, has been always considered to be the lack of high quality semantic content. A critical mass of semantically annotated Web pages, semantically enhanced multimedia repositories, as well as business?relevant, widely?accepted ontologies would provide a feasible basis for the development of semantic applications of immediate added value for it users, and for the adoption of semantic technologies at industrial level. Despite a mature set of techniques, tools, and methods for authoring semantic content, one can observe very limited user involvement. The lack of semantic content and the missing engagement of users can be traced back to the missing incentive models incorporatd by semantic technology. This is very contrary to the Web 2.0 movement which lives great popularity and a huge amount of user contributions. Even though, there are also many failing Web 2.0 tools, applications like Wikipedia, Del.icio.us, Flickr, YouTube, Facebook or LinkedIn generate enormous user interest and massive amounts of data. Each of those applications implements an incentive that motivates people to contribute their time and human intelligence. --- Programme --- The workshop will be organized as a full-day event. It is meant as a forum for presenting novel research achievements and their prototypical implementation, as well as for intensive discussions and exchange of ideas. The workshop program will hence consist of presentations (for full papers and short/position papers), demos, and enough time for an open closing discussion. --- Topics of Interest --- The workshop addresses incentives for building the Semantic Web, i.e. achieving tasks, such as ontology construction, semantic annotation, and ontology alignment. It is intended as a networking event for discussing and brainstorming ideas for motivating people to contribute to semantic cotent creation. The workshop also seeks for original academic work in the respective field including: * Incentives for the Semantic Web * Motivations and incentives of 2.0 applications * Suggestions how those motivations can be applied in Semantic Web applications * Incentive structures both within enterprise intranets and the open Web * Games for knowledge creation and maintenance * Tools exploiting collective intelligence and the Wisdom of Crowds * Monetary and non-monetary rewards for semantic content authoring tasks * Empirical studies on the usage of Web 2.0 or social Semantic Web applications * Motivations and incentives for annotating Web Services --- Organising Committee --- * Katharina Siorpaes, STI Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck,Austria * Elena Simperl, STI Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck, Austria * Denny Vrandecic, Institut AIFB, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Germany --- Program Committee (confirmed, to be extended) --- * Sinuhe Arroyo, University of Alcala de Henares, Spain * Chris Bizer, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany * Dan Brickley, Joost, UK * Peter Haase, AIFB, Germany * Tom Heath, Talis, UK * Eyal Oren, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands * Carlos Pedrinaci, Open University, UK * Valentina Presutti, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technology (CNR), Italy * Marta Sabou, Open University, UK * Sebastian Schaffert, Salzburg Research, Austria * Andreas Schmidt, FZI, Germany * Hideaki Takeda, NII and University Tokyo, Japan * Tania Tudorache, Stanford University, USA * Ilya Zaihrayeu, University of Trento, Italy * Valentin Zacharias, FZI, Germany --- Submission and Proceedings --- We aim at three different kind of submissions: (1) research papers of the length of 12 pages presenting mature work, prototypes and methodologies, (2) position papers of the length of 6 pages presenting early work and elaborated ideas, and (3) demo outlines of the length of 2 pages. Independently of the type of submission, all papers should be formatted according to the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format. For complete details on this issue see Springer's Author Instructions at http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-2-72376-0. The submission system is EasyChair <http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=insemtive2008> All accepted papers will be published online as *CEUR Workshop Proceedings*. In case there are enough high quality contributions, we will pursue the publication of the best rated papers as a *journal special issue*. --- Important Dates --- * Deadline for submissions EXTENDED: August 18, 2008 (11:59 PM) * Notification of acceptance: September 5, 2008 * Camera-ready versions: September 26, 2008 * Workshop: October 27, 2008 Please do not hesitate to contact Katharina Siorpaes <katharina.siorpaes@sti2.at> with any questions you have!
Received on Thursday, 7 August 2008 13:41:59 UTC