Re: RDF and OWL rules

Hi Geoff and All,

> I've been putting together rdfql rules for rdf and owl. Anyone else working on similar efforts? - i.e. datalog/prolog-ish rules for owl and rdf/rdfs?
> Anyone interested in trying to create a standard set of these - encoded in ruleml or something similar that we could all translate into our languages
> of choice?

Are your referring to your June '02 contributions to Alberto and Andy's
Query and Rule languages Use Cases and Examples

Are your aware of Stefan, Mike, and Deborah's
Requirements and Use Cases for a Semantic Web Rule Language

Also, the RuleML Initiative already started a library of RuleML rulebases:

In RuleML we've been recently working on Object-Oriented RuleML and
its preliminary page, linking to talks, the RALOCA e-learning application,
and an early XSLT implementation:

In particular, here are possible relationships between OO RuleML and RDF:

Perhaps the query examples there can help you with an RDFQL-in-RuleML encoding.

On Wednesday, the RuleML Steering Committee will discuss about how the RuleML
Initiative might best contribute to RDF, RDF Query, and RDF Rules.
Input is most welcome!


Received on Sunday, 30 March 2003 15:05:51 UTC