cwm or euler as ontology translator??

Has anyone looked at the possibility of using cwm or euler as an ontology translator?  Such a capability could be used in any environment when processing elements don't share the same vocabulary, such as a society of agents.

The translator would use a series of mapping statements to translate triples from one ontology to another.  The translation mechanism should support:
- Transformation based on arithmetic operators, functions. 
- Lookup 'tables' containing tuples; Used to convert values of one property to values of another.
- Mechanism for filtering instances so that translation only applies to a subset of instances.

In the case of cwm, it looked to me like the -filter option could be used to define the target ontology and the mapping between the source and target ontologies.  

I would appreciate anyone with experience with n3 and cwm/euler to comment on the practicality of this idea, and/or possibly work out a brief example of how it might be done.


Dave Jones
The Boeing Company

Received on Thursday, 26 June 2003 10:52:39 UTC