RE: Question regarding open vs closed formulas (n3)

> In the database community, there has been work on something 
> called Local Closed World (LCW) information to deal with these 
> kinds of problems. In effect, an LCW statement says that such 
> and such a source has complete information with respect to some  
> topic. Unfortunately, thereis nothing like this in RDF, DAML+OIL, 
> or OWL. Hector Munoz-Avila and I wrote a paper last year arguing 
> for LCW on the Semantic Web, 

Thanks for the reference to your paper. Handling "local"
(predicate-specific) completeness assumptions leads to a 
partial logic formalism with two negations. I have a report 
on this topic which was not accepted for ISWC'03, 
unfortunately :-( Please consult

We also discussed this topic in the RuleML Steering Committee,
and we will probably suggest some constructs to handle it in
future versions of RuleML.


Gerd Wagner
Dep. Information & Technology 
Eindhoven University of Technology  
Phone: (+31 40) 247 26 17  
Fax: (+31 40) 247 26 12

Received on Thursday, 26 June 2003 10:35:21 UTC