Re: properties with classes as values?

Thanks, Dan.  A couple remarks near the end ...

Dan Connolly wrote:
> David Martin wrote:
> [...]
> > So I think my challenge is still open - that is, to declare that:
> >
> >    the range of myProperty is the set of subclasses of #Animal.
> I needed that idiom too, the other day, when transcribing
> the XML infoset spec; so I made it up:
> --- excerpt ---
>   rdfs:subClassOf [
>     dpo:onProperty :notations;
>     dpo:toClass [ sws:setOf :Notation ]
>   ];
> --- end excerpt from
>   Thu, 10 May 2001 21:37:45 GMT
> sws: refers to... oops... bug... it *should* refer to...
> oops... access control issue... fixed...
> current copy attached for convenience.
> I also made up listOf; see
>   Lists -- Semantic Web Logic Language
>   This collects my experience
>   with lists from several places:
>   -- rdf:Seq issues: no nil (@@pointer);
>     no convenient list/rest/member
>   -- DAML+OIL: no member
>   -- case of the next scribe
>   -- larch List[E] trait
>   $Id: lists.n3,v 1.1 2001/05/10 21:28:42 connolly Exp $
> --
> Dan Connolly, W3C
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> @prefix rdfs: <> .
> @prefix dc: <>.
> <>
>   dc:title "Finite Sets -- Semantic Web Logic Language";
>   dc:description """This collects my experience
> with finite sets from several places:
> -- rdf:Bag issues: no set! (@@pointer);
>  hmm... rdf:type vs. \elt vs. <lists#member>
> -- larch Set[E] trait
> $Id: finiteSets.n3,v 1.1 2001/05/10 21:28:42 connolly Exp $
> """;
>   dc:date "$Date: 2001/05/10 21:28:42 $"; #@@ RCS date
>   dc:creator "Dan Connolly"; #@@ [ dca:agentName ]. also: my home page
>   rdfs:seeAlso <finiteSetAx>, <finiteSetAx.n3>;
>   .
> @prefix dpo:  <> .
> @prefix : <>.
> :setOf rdfs:label "set of";
>   rdfs:comment "for setOf(C, E) read: C is the class of finite sets of E.";
>   rdfs:range rdfs:Class;
>   rdfs:domain :Set;
>   a dpo:UniqueProperty, dpo:UnambiguousProperty.

Yes, this (:setOf) seems very useful.  One little nitpik - Assuming I
understand your :setOf correctly, wouldn't it be clearer to say
"C is the class of finite SUBsets of E."?
And call the property "subsetsOf", or perhaps "powerSetOf"?

Also, I'm not entirely clear as to why the domain should be :Set instead
of rdfs:Class.  In my example, I wanted to specify the set of all
subclasses of, say, class #Animal.  Is #Animal in the domain of :setOf?

Anyway, I'm not knowledgeable as to the status of files in the "03swell"
directory.  Can we look forward to having this included in some future
release of DAML+OIL?  Or is it already, in some sense, in the language?


- David Martin

Received on Friday, 8 June 2001 01:14:17 UTC