Re: properties with classes as values?

David Martin wrote:
> So I think my challenge is still open - that is, to declare that:
>    the range of myProperty is the set of subclasses of #Animal.

I needed that idiom too, the other day, when transcribing
the XML infoset spec; so I made it up:

--- excerpt ---
  rdfs:subClassOf [
    dpo:onProperty :notations;
    dpo:toClass [ sws:setOf :Notation ]
--- end excerpt from
  Thu, 10 May 2001 21:37:45 GMT

sws: refers to... oops... bug... it *should* refer to...
oops... access control issue... fixed...

current copy attached for convenience.

I also made up listOf; see

  Lists -- Semantic Web Logic Language
  This collects my experience
  with lists from several places:
  -- rdf:Seq issues: no nil (@@pointer);
    no convenient list/rest/member
  -- DAML+OIL: no member
  -- case of the next scribe
  -- larch List[E] trait
  $Id: lists.n3,v 1.1 2001/05/10 21:28:42 connolly Exp $

Dan Connolly, W3C
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix dc: <>.

  dc:title "Finite Sets -- Semantic Web Logic Language";
  dc:description """This collects my experience
with finite sets from several places:
-- rdf:Bag issues: no set! (@@pointer);
 hmm... rdf:type vs. \elt vs. <lists#member>
-- larch Set[E] trait

$Id: finiteSets.n3,v 1.1 2001/05/10 21:28:42 connolly Exp $
  dc:date "$Date: 2001/05/10 21:28:42 $"; #@@ RCS date
  dc:creator "Dan Connolly"; #@@ [ dca:agentName ]. also: my home page
  rdfs:seeAlso <finiteSetAx>, <finiteSetAx.n3>;

@prefix dpo:  <> .
@prefix : <>.

:setOf rdfs:label "set of";
  rdfs:comment "for setOf(C, E) read: C is the class of finite sets of E.";
  rdfs:range rdfs:Class;
  rdfs:domain :Set;
  a dpo:UniqueProperty, dpo:UnambiguousProperty.

:Set rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Bag; #@@hmm...
  rdfs:label "Set";
  rdfs:comment "finite set";
  a dpo:UnambiguousProperty, dpo:UniqueProperty.

Received on Thursday, 7 June 2001 13:47:52 UTC