Expressing Inference Rules


I created a genetic ontology for Siamese cats.  So a logical query
(inference) would be:

 "Give me all male/female pairs, that when breed, produce a blue point

Genetically, I know that if the mother and father are blue points, then the
kitten can be a blue or lilac point.

Not sure how to express the above rule in DAML.  Can you recommend some
documentation and/or example for expressing inference rules?
For DAML, is it simply a matter of expressing everything as unions and 
intersection of sets?

            Blue-point kitten  = (blue-point & mother)   &    (blue-point &

I actually have a list of 21 rule based on Siamese genetics.  Just need help
expressing them in DAML.


Lawrence Brown
The Johns Hopkins University  
Applied Physics Laboratory   
11100 Johns Hopkins Road  
Laurel, MD 20723-6099  
443-778-4666 or 240-228-4666

Received on Monday, 23 October 2000 14:30:40 UTC