Re: semantics of daml:equivalentTo [was: Comments on Annotat

> we wanted to release something very quickly that pretty much everyone
> could agree to as a definitional language - so symmetric, reflexive,
> transitive, etc. were left out because we didn't have agreement on
> what the complete set was we wanted and what to do -- is on the top
> of the list for next go around -- so it's a fruitful area for
> discussion on this list.

Well, actually we saw TransitiveProperty in daml-ont.daml and that
triggered our thought. The equivalentWith property is important for
tractable graph stuff and a mathematical model is a good thing.
Anyway, we understand your points and we are looking very forward
to that next go around!
In the mean time, we could easily 'eat' the daml-ont.daml with a
slightly modified version of DanC's rdfp.xsl transformsheet.

Jos De Roo

Received on Wednesday, 11 October 2000 18:09:24 UTC