- From: Hans-Georg Stork <Hans-Georg.STORK@cec.eu.int>
- Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 13:03:36 +0200
WORKSHOP SEMANTIC WEB TECHNOLOGIES 22-23 November 2000, in Luxembourg CALL FOR PARTICIPATION (see also: http://www.cordis.lu/ist/ka3/iaf/swt_workshop.htm) Unit D5 of DG 'Information Society' of the European Commission is planning a one-and-a-half-day workshop on 22-23 November 2000, in Luxembourg, to identify and discuss R&D priorities related to SEMANTIC WEB Technologies for applications in e.g. Knowledge Management, Web retrieval/navigation and e-Commerce. Topics addressed include: - Methods and tools for coding and structuring digital content, for defining and declaring its semantics (based on e.g. XML, RDF, ontology languages, etc.). - Methods and tools for the derivation and management of semantic attributes of Web-based multimedia content (video, audio and images). - Semantics-based tools for knowledge discovery, transactions and intelligent filtering and profiling (e.g. intelligent information agents and specific query languages; semantics-based tools for collaborative filtering and knowledge sharing, intelligent and/or visual interfaces to such tools). These topics will form part of the 2001 Action Line 'Semantic Web Technologies' proposed under Area 4 (Information Access, Filtering, Analysis and Handling) of Key Action III (Multimedia Content and Tools) of the European Union's IST Programme. The workshop is aimed at researchers and technology developers, as well as at organisations interested in setting up demonstrations of new technologies and applications. It will provide an opportunity to contribute to the research agenda of an area of growing importance, and to establish contacts with potential project partners. A draft programme and the registration form are attached below. (They are also available for download at ftp://ftp.cordis.lu/pub/ist/docs/ka3/ka3_swt_draft_prog.doc and ftp://ftp.cordis.lu/pub/ist/docs/ka3/ka3_swtrf_221100.doc respectively.) Attendance is free. Travel costs, however, cannot be reimbursed. Participants are invited (and indeed strongly encouraged) to give short presentations (between 5 and 15 minutes) of project ideas and/or ongoing projects. In case you wish to give a short presentation please indicate on the registration form the title of your talk and its approximate length. Your talk will be scheduled on a best fit basis in the final programme. The registration form should in any event be returned before 31 October 2000, to: Joseph.Kirsch@cec.eu.int (or fax: +352-4301 38099, attn. Joseph Kirsch) As this Call will also be published on various lists we apologize for any inconvenience resulting from possible cross-posting. Dr Hans-Georg STORK European Commission Information Society DG rue Alcide de Gasperi L-2920 Luxemburg Tel +352-4301 33873 Fax +352-4301 38099 e-mail: Hans-Georg.STORK@cec.eu.int ---------------------------------------------------------- WORKSHOP SEMANTIC WEB TECHNOLOGIES 22-23 November 2000, Luxembourg, Plateau de Kirchberg, Bātiment Jean Monnet, Conference Centre, Room M6 Preliminary programme Chair: F. Mastroddi, Dep. Head of Unit, European Commission, Information Society DG, Unit D5 "Content and Information Management". Invited talks will cover the following topics and themes: 22 November, afternoon: The W3C Semantic Web initiative Beyond RDF(S): the Ontology perspective for the Semantic Web Semantics for the wireless Web 23 November, morning: Describing multimedia Multimedia on the Web: the W3C view 23 November, afternoon: Agents on the Semantic Web Business opportunities on the Semantic Web Speakers include: Rudi Studer (University of Karlsruhe), Johan Hjelm (Ericsson), Wolfgang Klas (University of Vienna), Lynda Hardman (CWI), David De Roure (University of Southampton), Janne Saarela (ProSolutions, Nice) In addition there will be short presentations of project ideas, ongoing projects and other activities related to the Semantic Web initiative. The final programme also leaves ample room for discussing relevant issues, project ideas and supporting activities. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WORKSHOP SEMANTIC WEB TECHNOLOGIES 22-23 November 2000, in Luxembourg REGISTRATION FORM e-mail to Joseph.Kirsch@cec.eu.int or fax to: +352-4301 38099 (attention Joseph Kirsch) Tick as appropriate: _ Yes, I will attend the IST Workshop "Semantic Web Technologies", on 22-23 November 2000, in Luxembourg _ No, I will NOT attend but keep/put my name on your mailing list _ Please take my name off your mailing list Name: Position: Organisation: Address: Tel: Fax: e-mail: URL: Please indicate your area(s) of interest (optional): Do you intend to give a short presentation of a project idea or project? _ YES _ NO If YES please indicate the title of your talk: If YES please indicate the expected length of your talk? _ 5 min _ 10 min _ 15 min Please note that attendance might have to be limited. Registrations would then be processed on a first-come-first-served basis.
Received on Wednesday, 11 October 2000 07:03:41 UTC