Re: RSS 1.1 usage of parseType="Collection"

On Wed, Jan 19, 2005 at 02:55:27PM +0000, Ian Davis wrote:
> Third question: how would one write a SPARQL query for the above 
> construct. Assume I want to extract the channel title, and each item 
> with its title and descripton from a smushed store containing data from 
> multiple channels. With RSS 1.0 I can do the following:
> PREFIX rss: <>
> SELECT ?channeltitle ?title ?description
> WHERE ( ?channel rdf:type rss:channel)
>       ( ?channel rss:title ?channeltitle )
>       ( ?channel rss:items ?items )
>       ( ?items ?li ?item )
>       ( ?item rss:title ?title )
>       ( ?item rss:description ?description )
> I'm not even sure where to start with RSS 1.1 - does anyone have a 
> suggestion for me?

A question I've been trying to find an answer to for the past couple 
days. It seems that Sparql has not built in support for Collections: 
even the RSS 1.0 stuff is pretty weak in that the results (from RDQL at 
least) are returned in no particular order (or at least, can be). In 
order for Collections to work properly, there needs to be built in 
support for them at the query language level, and I haven't seen 
anything in SPARQL that leads me to believe this is the case.

I could be missing something major, but I just haven't seen it. There 

But there's no results in the email archives search, so I'm not sure on 

Christopher Schmidt

Received on Wednesday, 19 January 2005 15:07:21 UTC