- From: Ben Juby <bpj00r@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
- Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 14:07:17 +0000 (GMT)
- To: www-rdf-interest@w3.org
Hi, I'm currently in the process of writing an OWL ontology that imports and extends a couple existing ontologies and I have encountered a couple of issues I'm unsure about and would be grateful if somebody could please help clarify a couple things for me. My first question is how owl:allValuesFrom restrictions affect owl:TransitiveProperties: (sorry, the explanation goes on for a bit...) My ontology (lets say myont) extends a location ontology. The location ontology defines a number of classes such as Room, Floor (e.g. the second floor etc.), and Building, which are all rdf:subClassOf another class called Abstract-Space. Abstract-Space has a property called 'is-part-of', so it is possible to say things like "a Room is-part-of a Floor" and "a Floor is-part-of a Building" etc. The location ontology does not howevever define 'is-part-of' as an owl:TransitiveProperty, so in myont I define that 'is-part-of' is transitive as I wish to use the entailments this will provide. The problem is that in the location ontology, the definition of the Room class has an owl:AllValuesFrom restriction on 'is-part-of' restricting it to members of the Floor class, and similarly the Floor class has 'is-part-of' restricted to instances of the Buliding class. My question is, given the AllValuesFrom restrictions on 'is-part-of', is it still possible (and correct) to define it as transitive, as that would then lead to entailments like "a Room is-part-of a Building", which would violate the AllValuesFrom restrictions. My second question is about namespaces and owl:imports: myont imports the location ontology (location). Does that also import everyting from the location ontology into the myont namespace? E.g. could I now refer to 'location:Building' also as 'myont:Building'? (assuming that Location is the base namespace for the location ontology and myont is the base namespace for the myont ontology). My final question is: Leaving any problems with the AllValuesfrom restrictions aside, is the following code extract the correct way to declare in myont that location:is-part-of is an owl:TransitiveProperty? (i.e. is rdf:Description the correct thing to use?) <rdf:Description rdf:about="&location;is-part-of"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;TransitiveProperty" /> </rdf:Description> Many thanks, Ben Juby Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia Group School of Electronics and Computer Science University of Southampton Southampton SO17 1BJ UK
Received on Thursday, 18 March 2004 09:10:37 UTC