Re: SIMILE Store Report

Steve Harris wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 29, 2004 at 09:00:48 +1000, Andrew Newman wrote:
>>>First of all I'd like to thank Lee for the report, it's interesing
>>Yes I agree, although it would've been nice to have been involved in the 
>>process.  One of the reasons why we open sourced our code was to get 
>>feedback.  I would've like to have had a chance to fix problems with 
>>Kowari or the way the application was using Kowari.
> When the developers are involved its difficult to get a level playing
> field. Looking at the numbers I suspect the 3store setup was highly
> non-optimal too (mysql cache settings, apache settings and so on). Its
> what you get out of the box though.

Right.  Now that this first examination phase is done, for the most part 
independently of the store's authors when it comes to our code (though 
HP is a contributor to SIMILE), we'd appreciate any kind of support 
folks are willing to give.  Our next phase on this front - moving closer 
to the scale we think we'll reach - is going to depend on insights on 
how best to optimize peformance.

And my apologies if my code doesn't look right to certain keen eyes, I'd 
be glad to work together to fix things.  I'm quite sure my initial run 
at this didn't render full justice to your respective applications.

Thanks for all the feedback!

Ryan Lee       
W3C Research Engineer    +1.617.253.5327

Received on Thursday, 29 July 2004 12:42:17 UTC