Re: RDF Triples in XML, named graphs

> Sandro Hawke wrote:
> | Why use XML as the syntax for describing triples instead of RDF/XML?
> |
> | (That is, why not just say [admit?] you're proposing a reification
> | vocabulary?)
> Hmmm? Their paper proposes a solution to the RDF serialization problem
> - -- RDF/XML is too complex, but any simple solution is too simple because
> for some applications it makes the RDF too difficult to write. That's
> very different from proposing a reification vocabulary...

So it might appear, but I disagree.   If you constain yourself to
using only certain forms of RDF/XML serialization, how does it really
differ from XML in appearance?

    -- sandro

Received on Wednesday, 11 February 2004 16:55:16 UTC