Re: RDF Triples in XML, named graphs

On Feb 11, 2004, at 23:55, ext Sandro Hawke wrote:

>> Sandro Hawke wrote:
>> | Why use XML as the syntax for describing triples instead of RDF/XML?
>> |
>> | (That is, why not just say [admit?] you're proposing a reification
>> | vocabulary?)
>> Hmmm? Their paper proposes a solution to the RDF serialization problem
>> - -- RDF/XML is too complex, but any simple solution is too simple 
>> because
>> for some applications it makes the RDF too difficult to write. That's
>> very different from proposing a reification vocabulary...
> So it might appear, but I disagree.   If you constain yourself to
> using only certain forms of RDF/XML serialization, how does it really
> differ from XML in appearance?
>     -- sandro

I consider RDF/XML to be a kind of "macro" language that can be used
to tell an RDF parser how to generate an RDF graph. There is not a
simple correlation between the RDF/XML instance and the graph structure
and there is alot of variability that can occur in RDF/XML that all
results in the same graph structure.

TriX is intended to capture the graph structure in XML, as simply as
possible, and also as consistently as possible, so that generic XML
tools can be applied for both transformation and (even more useful)
querying of the serialized graph.

While it might be possible to define a subset of RDF/XML that could
serve those goals better than the complete RDF/XML syntax, it would
also probably be far less optimal than something such as TriX.




Patrick Stickler
Nokia, Finland

Received on Thursday, 12 February 2004 04:55:22 UTC