AW: Difference Between rdf:about And rdf:ID?

> I am looking for a deffinitive explanation of the difference.
> It seems like
> about only takes filly qualified URIs and ID doesn't.  My
> question is is
> what is the dfference between:
> <somens:SomeClass rdf:about="http:///">
> and
> <somens:SomeClass rdf:ID="AnInstance">
> ?
> I'm assuming that this is in OWL and that I'm trying to
> instance the class
> somens:SomeClass.
The semantics of both are equal. If you apply the abbreviation,
xml:base="" will be included in the namespace
area. Than you are able to write rdf:ID="AnInstance" in your RDF Model.
Parsers solve that in "".

Received on Wednesday, 11 August 2004 15:15:12 UTC