Re: Difference Between rdf:about And rdf:ID?

On Wed, 11 Aug 2004, Fink, Clayton R. wrote:

>I am looking for a deffinitive explanation of the difference. It seems like
>about only takes filly qualified URIs and ID doesn't.

This is more or less right, although I would say that about can take a fully
qualified URI and ID can't...

ID establishes the fragment identifier (and can only appear once - like an ID
attribute for XML elements, so you can validate it...)

>My question is is
>what is the dfference between:
><somens:SomeClass rdf:about="http:///">
><somens:SomeClass rdf:ID="AnInstance">

Assuming that this document has a base of then these
two things are equivalent. But the first one can actually appear anywhere in
any document - I can write about things in your documents using rdf:about...



Received on Saturday, 14 August 2004 12:20:26 UTC