Re: A possible typo error in RDFS Semantics

>Hi, All
>At the begining of the second paragraph in section 4.4 RDFS 
>Entailment , it says
>  "Since every 
><>rdfs-interpretation is 
>an <>rdf-interpretation, if 
>S **rdfs-entails** E then it **rdf-entails** E;".
>Maybe, it should be changed to:
>..., if S rdf-entail E then it rdfs-entails E;...
>Is it correct?

Yes, you are correct. That is how it should read, and it is an 
elementary transposition error.  My apologies. Nobody noticed it 
until now, Im afraid, in spite of the many extended readings and 
checks that this document received. I will correct this at the first 
opportunity for making a correction.

Pat Hayes

>Yuzhong Qu

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Received on Monday, 2 August 2004 20:48:16 UTC