Re: A possible typo error in RDFS Semantics

Zitat von Pat Hayes <>:

> >Hi, All
> >
> >At the begining of the second paragraph in section 4.4 RDFS
> >Entailment , it says
> >  "Since every
> ><>rdfs-interpretation is
> >an <>rdf-interpretation, if
> >S **rdfs-entails** E then it **rdf-entails** E;".
> >
> >Maybe, it should be changed to:
> >
> >..., if S rdf-entail E then it rdfs-entails E;...
> >
> >Is it correct?
> >
> Yes, you are correct.
Are you sure ? If rdf-entail is more general than rdfs-entail and both of them
represent some sort of implication, it is just the way like it is in the
document and not the other way round.

> That is how it should read, and it is an
> elementary transposition error.  My apologies. Nobody noticed it
> until now, Im afraid, in spite of the many extended readings and
> checks that this document received. I will correct this at the first
> opportunity for making a correction.
> Pat Hayes

Received on Tuesday, 3 August 2004 04:37:50 UTC