Re: Native RDF DBs

> I'm sure I've seen three or four different triplestores that were more 
> native than dumping triples in a RDBMS - anyone got any relevant 
> links, please?

Sure, we have a commercial product called the Tucana Knowledge 
Server(TKS), we're currently in the middle of a new (2.0) release.

We've also open sourced the core of TKS in the Kowari project, we're 
expecting a new release of Kowari in the next day or so.

I can provide more information on either if anyone is interested.

Tom Adams            | Tucana Technologies
Software Engineer    | P:  +61 7 3876 2188   | F:  +61 7 3876 4899

Received on Sunday, 18 April 2004 21:53:09 UTC