Re: Representing temporal data in RDF

Hi Richard,

I see the query, but that doesn't give me any clue as to
how you might represent things internally.  I guess I
misstated my question -- I'm interested in both the query
AND how it accesses temporal facts within an
established RDF-compliant tool.  Is it simple to describe
what the internal expansion of your query looks like
(i.e., revealing your secret for overcoming the limitations of a
triple representation)?

Cheers, Bob

At 11:01 AM 9/9/2003 -0700, Richard H. McCullough wrote:
>Here is your query in MKR (
>at space = Antwerp, time = April 2003 {
>     ? isa freighter with cargo += aluminum pipes:
>Dick McCullough
>knowledge := man do identify od existent done;
>knowledge haspart proposition list;
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Bob MacGregor" <macgregor@ISI.EDU>
>To: <>
>Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 10:41 AM
>Subject: Representing temporal data in RDF
> > Here is my example query:
> >
> > "Retrieve freighters that visited Antwerp on
> > April 2003 whose cargo included aluminum pipes"
> >

Robert MacGregor
Senior Project Leader
Phone: 310/448-8423, Fax:  310/822-6592
Mobile: 310/251-8488

USC Information Sciences Institute
4676 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292

Received on Tuesday, 9 September 2003 14:32:22 UTC