Re: RDF validator error

Perhaps option A could be improved by making the dummy URI that is 
generated be more explicit in describing itself:  like 


Jeremy Carroll wrote:

> Jeremy:
>>>> I suggest one of the following fixes in the validator code:
>>>> a) specify an arbitrary base URI instead of ""
>>>> or
>>>> b) tell ARP to ignore this condition
>>>>  setErrorMode(
>>>>     ARPErrorNumbers.EM_IGNORE );
>>>> Personally I think option (b) is better.
> Eric?:
>>> Any particular reason? I have no great preference for A, but it does
>>> seem like the triples generated by allowing unanchored relative URIs
>>> might cause someone trouble down the line.
> I am not unhappy with A.
> My weak pref for B is based on the dummy URI being arbitrary and hence 
> potentially confusing for someone who asks, "where does that URI come 
> from?"
> Admittedly option B may be confusing for someone who says "but the 
> validator permits relative URIs".
> Given A is implemented let's go with that.
> Jeremy

Frank Manola                   The MITRE Corporation
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Received on Monday, 1 September 2003 12:26:03 UTC