Re: What does r:Bag mean?

[Jimmy Cerra]>
> Say I have the following RDF [1]:
> <r:Bag r:about="theCommittee">
> <r:li r:resource="Jim" />
> <r:li r:resource="John" />
> <r:li r:resource="Jane" />
> <r:li r:resource="Jamie" />
> </r:Bag>
> The spec [2] says that r:Bag represents an unordered set of resource.
> Does this mean the theCommittee is a resource composed of several other
> resources as parts?  How do you represent subsets?  Say Jim is the
> treasurer.  How is that communicated in the serialization?

I do not think that you should model theCommittee as a bag.  It would be
better as the instance of some class (like Committee), with a property, say,
Membership.  Membership would be a bag of members.  Now the committee can
have a treasurer, who could be Jim, and that fact no longer has to get mixed
up with the bag.  These questions have suddenly become moot - at least, they
no longer arise for this example.


Tom P

Received on Sunday, 25 May 2003 00:41:14 UTC