What does r:Bag mean?

Say I have the following RDF [1]:

<r:Bag r:about="theCommittee">
	<r:li r:resource="Jim" />
	<r:li r:resource="John" />
	<r:li r:resource="Jane" />
	<r:li r:resource="Jamie" />

The spec [2] says that r:Bag represents an unordered set of resource.
Does this mean the theCommittee is a resource composed of several other
resources as parts?  How do you represent subsets?  Say Jim is the
treasurer.  How is that communicated in the serialization?  Finally, is
r:li or r:_1, r:_2, ... r:_N an actual property?  Can I create a sub
property, as in:

<r:Property r:about="#treasurer">
	r:resource="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#li" />

Can I use that to represents roles, as in:

<r:Bag r:about="theCommittee">
	<foo:treasurer r:resource="Jim" />
	<r:li r:resource="John" />
	<r:li r:resource="Jane" />
	<r:li r:resource="Jamie" />

If so, what would that mean in a sequence?

Jimmy Cerra

] "I had to learn very early not to limit
]  myself due to others limited imagination."
]  - Dr. Mae C. Jemison

Sometimes it's easy to forget to thank people online.  So thanks in
advance for answering any of my questions.

[1] For this email document, the prefix "r" is restricted to the
official RDF/XML serialization namespace.

[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-rdf-primer-20030123/#containers

Received on Saturday, 24 May 2003 23:21:27 UTC