I am just a very beginner of using RDF(S).  I have a very fundamental question but has bothered me for days.

I put a newly developed schema onto my server, and hopefully when I click on the URI of the schema, my browser will show all the codes of the schema I have developed.  But this did not happen.

The URI of my schema is http://www.civil.auc.dk/~i6ycl/itcode/test/itcode-projectteam.rdf

My browser can only show me the rdfs codes when I click on the above URI but NOT just http://www.civil.auc.dk/~i6ycl/itcode/test/itcode-projectteam 
When I check on some other schemas such as http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns, the rdfs will be shown by the browser when just clicking on the such URI (why the extension of file type .rdf is not necessary here).

I appreciate all responses that I might can get.  Thank you.

best regards,

Yoke-Chin Lai,
PhD Student,
Aalborg University

Received on Friday, 31 January 2003 06:27:34 UTC