Announcement: RSS 1.0 Module 'mod_context'

Hi all:


Please excuse the cross-post but this may be of interest to both lists. We
are making available for comment a new RSS 1.0 Module 'mod_context':



Note that the URL is provisional and that we expect that the Module will be
subsequently lodged under the URL



The rationale in defining the 'mod_context' RSS 1.0 module is that this
module allows RSS 1.0 feeds to provide contextual information which relates
a description of the feed channel or item to the provenance of the feed, the
requester of the feed, and the where and how the feed should be processed.
Rich descriptions of this contextual information can be provided using both
identifiers and metadata. The OpenURL Framework data model exists to support
network applications in the provisioning of context-sensitive services. 


This draft RSS 1.0 module is being released to support applications that
wish to make use of the ANSI/NISO Draft Standard for Trial Use 'The OpenURL
Framework for Context-Sensitive Services'. It is anticipated that a revised
version of this module will be resubmitted following a successful ballot by
NISO Voting Members when the Draft Standard is published as currently
expected NISO Standard Z39.88-2003.


For further information on the OpenURL Framework see the Draft Standard


Part 1:

Part 2:


on the ANIS/NISO AX website


All feedback is welcome.




Tony Hammond, Elsevier

Timo Hannay, Nature Publishing Group

Eamonn Neylon, Manifest Solutions

Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory





Received on Friday, 8 August 2003 10:09:31 UTC