create/update/query RDF files with MKE/TAP

MKE, combined with the Stanford TAP Java client,
provides a user-friendly interface for creating/
updating/querying RDF files.

Using MKE, the interface language is MKR.
Using the underlying  GetData/GetResource/PutData
shell scripts, the interface is basically 
RDF triples using Q-names.

Here is a simple example of statements & questions using MKR

$ ke
ke$ set echo=off, kbmode=tap;
ke$ set city = CityPioneerCA;
ke$ $city isu UnitedStatesCity;
ke$ $city has label = Pioneer;
ke$ $city has locatedIn = CaliforniaState;
ke$ ? has name = Pioneer;
ke$ $city has ?;
ke$ $city has locatedIn = ?;
ke$ exit;

Here is the same example using PutData/GetResource/GetData

$ city=CityPioneerCA
$ PutData $city type UnitedStatesCity
$ PutData $city label Pioneer
$ PutData $city locatedIn CaliforniaState
$ GetResource Resource Pioneer
$ GetData $city arcs no
$ GetData $city locatedIn no

If you want more details, see

Dick McCullough
knowledge := man do identify od existent done;
knowledge haspart proposition list;

Received on Friday, 8 August 2003 07:00:40 UTC