Re: typed containers in RDFS: suggestions about the "long range" problem

> > Use owl:intersectionOf  two class descriptions: rdfs:Container and the
> restriction (complete modal),
> > Not just rdfs:subClassOf  the restriction(partial modal) .
> Yes, I'm concerned with this, ealier I wrote only a siplified versioof my
> solution  in order to be not too tedious. my general solution is a little
> bit more complex (too much complex for my purposes):
> <owl:Class rdf:ID="BagOf_Apple">
>   <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
>       <rdfs:Class rdf:about=""
> />
>        <owl:Class>                    ******
>              <rdfs:subClassOf >   ******
>                  <owl:Restriction>
>                         <owl:onProperty
> rdf:resource="" />
>                         <owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource="#Apple" />
>                  </owl:Restriction>
>              </rdfs:subClassOf >   ******
>        </owl:Class>                    ******
>    </owl:intersectionOf>
> </owl:Class>

There is no need to use "rdfs:subClassOf ".

> I had already found many domain-specific solution to the problem, but I
> wanted to avoid to adopt an ad hoc solution that applies to my specific RDF
> domain. moreover the OWL solution is too much complex (the semantic parsing
> of the code above requires to much power and would resolve, substantially,
> in the realization of semantics of a simple URI label indicated as range of
> a container-structured valued property).
> I think that, by the moment, I'll mantain my ad hoc solution..

You just use OWL Lite, and it's not very complex (IMO).

> Regards,
> Francesco

Your topic (typed container) is very important, and the solution is enlightening. Thanks! 

Yuzhong Qu

Received on Wednesday, 16 April 2003 04:18:52 UTC