Re: typed containers in RDFS: suggestions about the "long range" problem

> Use owl:intersectionOf  two class descriptions: rdfs:Container and the
restriction (complete modal),
> Not just rdfs:subClassOf  the restriction(partial modal) .

Yes, I'm concerned with this, ealier I wrote only a siplified versioof my
solution  in order to be not too tedious. my general solution is a little
bit more complex (too much complex for my purposes):

<owl:Class rdf:ID="BagOf_Apple">
  <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
      <rdfs:Class rdf:about=""
             <rdfs:subClassOf >
rdf:resource="" />
                        <owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource="#Apple" />
             </rdfs:subClassOf >

I had already found many domain-specific solution to the problem, but I
wanted to avoid to adopt an ad hoc solution that applies to my specific RDF
domain. moreover the OWL solution is too much complex (the semantic parsing
of the code above requires to much power and would resolve, substantially,
in the realization of semantics of a simple URI label indicated as range of
a container-structured valued property).
I think that, by the moment, I'll mantain my ad hoc solution..


Received on Wednesday, 16 April 2003 04:07:03 UTC