Re: Contexts (spinoff from copy and wrap rdf statements)

At 11:15 AM -0800 2002-11-24, Seth Russell wrote:
>I suppose that would work as long as we agree that the uri [of the 
>document] identifies the graph and not the document.  Thing is we 
>have text in the Concepts document [1]  that conflicts with your 
>        "So when someurl#frag is used in an RDF document,
>         someurl is presumed to designate an RDF document."
>The whole point is agreeing on a standard, and bucking the WG is not 
>going to help us there.   I dont think using the frag #ThisGraph 
>conflicts with any WG text.  It would be nice if the WG saw the need 
>to refer to the abstract graph with a URI and gave us a standard 
>syntax to do that.  But don't hold your breath.

On further consideration, what I said before doesn't really match 
what I think about this, so let me try again.

We have a URI, <>, which identifies a 
resource, R. (I'm picking arbitrary names right now. In terms of 
RDF-MT, R = I(<>).) The result of 
dereferencing the URI is a string of bits, B, which are a 
representation of R. Assuming B is appropriately formatted, we can 
derive a graph, G, by parsing it.

You, then, are claiming:
1. G needs a separate identifier from R
2. This identifier should be <>

I agree with point 1, but I disagree with point 2. I think G should 
be related to R by an explicit triple, rather than a naming 

One possibility:

{ :Stassi a :Cat; :belongsTo :Me.  }
   dc:source <>;
   dcq:issued "2002-11-22t10:00z";
   eg:encodedAs xml"<rdf:RDF ... </rdf:RDF>";
   eg:signature "...".

Alternately, you could have an explicit node for B.

{ :Stassi a :Cat; :belongsTo :Me. } eg:derivedFrom [
   a eg:Representation;
   dc:source <>;
   dcq:issued "2002-11-22t10:00z";
   dc:format "application/rdf+xml";
   dc:language "en";
   eg:encodedAsText "<rdf:RDF ... </rdf:RDF>";
Dave Menendez - -

Received on Monday, 25 November 2002 00:00:46 UTC