Re: "Resource" (RDF vocabulary definitions)

I'd say you're right.

Here's my slightly off-topic two cents worth:
"Resource" is a very unfortunate choice of words.  In my mind it has always denoted something which can be found on the internet, which would suggest that it is "knowledge". i.e., propositions which state facts about existents.

But, of course, as currently defined, "Resource" is "existent".

Dick McCullough 
knowledge := man do identify od existent done
knowledge haspart list of proposition

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sandro Hawke 
  To: David Menendez 
  Cc: Richard H. McCullough ; RDF-Interest 
  Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 1:56 AM
  Subject: Re: RDF vocabulary definitions 

  > >I'd like to stick to identifying the nature of rdfs:Property & rdfs:Class,
  > >since I know that they are concepts, and I know what concepts are.
  > >I do not know what your RDF-MT symbols are.
  > A property is represented by a resource with the type rdf:Property. 
  > It can be used as the predicate in an RDF assertion. A class is 
  > represented by a resource with the type rdfs:Class. It can be used as 
  > the value of rdf:type.

  Slightly off topic, and at the risk of being wrong again (!): a
  property *is* a resource, it is not represented by a resource
  (although in some reified case it could be).  "Resource" just means
  "thing" or "object in domain of discourse".  The
  property/thing/resource is named/identified by a URI/URI-Ref.

  (the same holds for classes, etc.)

  (I'm also not on the WG or anything.  I think the people on the WG are
  far too busy to participate.  :-)

      -- sandro

Received on Thursday, 21 November 2002 08:23:36 UTC