Query Google in Datalog and retrieve results in RDF

Hello all,
thank you all for your feedback on  the RDF based Google Query Interface
"RooDolF".  At http://nutria.cis.cs.tu-berlin.de/roodolf2/index.html  a
new version is aviable. It supports now queries based on datalog
semantics as well as  "standard google web interface" queries. The
results will be shown in RDF format.

For programming RooDolF I used the Jena Toolkit, the Google API, the
parser generator SableCC and an TomcatServer. The RDF Schema is aviable
at http://nutria.cis.cs.tu-berlin.de/roodolf/rdfs

As I'm new to RDF I would be very happy for any feedback. As we are also
wrapping the Open Directory, I'm also interested in information, how to
read correctly the ODP RDF Dump into a database. I would be very happy
for any help.

Thanks Alex


  Alexander Löser
  Technische Universitaet Berlin
  Fakultaet IV - CIS
  bmb+f-Projekt: "NewEconomy"
  "Neue Medien in der Bildung"

  email: aloeser@cs.tu-berlin.de
  office: +49- 30-314-25555
  fax   : +49- 30-314-21601

Received on Wednesday, 6 November 2002 13:29:12 UTC