Re: initial RDF Primer Working Draft

Steven Livingstone wrote:

> Upon first reading (fairly quickly) i had these comments.
> 1. You use the term bNode twice in discussing arcs and nodes, but don't 
> explain what a "bNode" is or why you have adopted this name.


Oops!  This is effectively a typo ("termo"?).  We were supposed to have 
replaced all occurrences of "bNode" with "blank node" ("blank node" is 
described, although perhaps not well enough, in the text just under 
Figure 5).

I've noted your other comments.  This is an early draft, we've got a 
fair bit of rewriting underway (the RDF/XML section is a particular 
target), and we'll try to take everyone's comments into consideration.

A general comment to the list:  I don't expect to explicitly reply to 
every comment (this one had a particularly straightforward 
clarification), since the effective response to most of them is to fix 
or add something, but we *are* paying attention to all of them, and 
we'll try to do the appropriate fixing/adding.

One other comment:  I know this is hard, but it would help if responders 
would comment just to the list, rather than both to the list and to me. 
  I monitor the list (I also monitor rdf-comments), and if you reply to 
me too, I get two copies of every message, and I can see the results 
having bad effects on my digestion when I look at the size of my inbox 
in the morning!

Thanks, everyone, for all your comments.


Frank Manola                   The MITRE Corporation
202 Burlington Road, MS A345   Bedford, MA 01730-1420       voice: 781-271-8147   FAX: 781-271-875

Received on Friday, 22 March 2002 08:02:02 UTC