Re: parseType"2literal"

I'm editor of the work on revising the RDF/XML syntax
(drafts here: )
so I'll have a stab at this

>>> said:
>   We are having some problems using the parseType literal and including
> some xml in the literal.
>   in the description they say "any well-formed xml", is it right?

In the RDF Model and Syntax document, it allows any legal element
content, which is more than just well-formed.  Well-formed is allowed.

Some quotes:

  [[The attribute parseType="Literal" specifies that the element
  content is an RDF literal. Any markup that is part of this content
  is included as part of the literal and not interpreted by RDF.]]

  [[This specification does not state a mechanism for determining
  equivalence between literals that contain markup, nor whether such
  a mechanism is guaranteed to exist.]]


>   <tp:representacionXul rdf:parseType="Literal">
>       <?xml-stylesheet href="/sistema-acceso/css/bindings.css"
>                        type="text/css"?>
>       <?xul-overlay href="/sistema-acceso/xul/c4d_common.xul"?>
>       <xul:window id="Simulacion"
>                   title="Pantalla de Simulación"
> xmlns=""	
> xmlns:c4d="">
>                 <vbox></vbox>
>       </xul:window>
>   </tp:representacionXul>
>    so, why this is converted to this?
>    <tp:representacionXul rdf:parseType='Literal'>
>       	<xul:window
> xmlns:xul=""  
> xmlns=""
> id="Simulacion"  		   
> xmlns=""
> title="Pantalla de Simulación">	
>   	   <vbox
> xmlns="">
>            </vbox>
>         </xul:window>
>    </tp:representacionXul>
>    Anybody knows why???

That shounds like an application issue.  I can't say why a particular
system does the above processing to the input RDF/XML.  (looks like
based onthe Mozilla browser/application environment from the URIs you

The original M&S did not define the contents of parseType literal
content or what happened to it in applications, so the above is
legitimate, if surprising.

In the work on the revised syntax, we are addressing some of this and
this gives us a use-case that we can use.  We are currently looking
at the W3C's XML Canonicalization work:

  Exclusive XML Canonicalization (Candidate RECommendation)

  Canonical XML 1.0 (REC)

and favouring the former.



Received on Tuesday, 12 March 2002 00:24:39 UTC